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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Moreno, Pedro Jesús
dc.identifier.citationGarcía-Moreno, P. J., Yesiltas, B., Echers, S. G., Marcatili, P., Overgaard, M. T., Hansen, E. B., & Jacobsen, C. (2023). Recent advances in the production of emulsifying peptides with the aid of proteomics and bioinformatics. Current Opinion in Food Science, 101039.es_ES
dc.description.abstractFood industry aims to develop novel protein-based emulsifiers from sustainable sources (e.g. plants, seaweed/microalgae, microbial, and insects) to satisfy the clean-label demand by consumers. Enzymatic hydrolysis releases peptides with enhanced surface properties compared with the parent alternative proteins. Traditionally, a trial-and-error top-down approach, which requires extensive costs in screening analyses, has been carried out to produce emulsifying peptides. This review presents the recent advances in a novel and fundamentally orthogonal bottom-up strategy, facilitated by quantitative proteomics and bioinformatic functional prediction, to produce emulsifying peptides by targeted enzymatic hydrolysis based on in silico proteolysis. Moreover, new insights on the relation between interfacial properties of peptides and emulsifying activity, as well as impact on stability of wet and dried emulsions, are discussed.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipInnovation Fund Denmark (Grant nr: 7045-00021B, PROVIDE project)es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectInterfacial propertieses_ES
dc.subjectEnzymatic hydrolysises_ES
dc.subjectProtein hydrolysateses_ES
dc.subjectEmulsions es_ES
dc.subjectPhysical stabilityes_ES
dc.subjectOxidative stabilityes_ES
dc.titleRecent advances in the production of emulsifying peptides with the aid of proteomics and bioinformaticses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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