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dc.contributor.authorAli A., Al Ali Meshari
dc.contributor.authorAlhadlaq, Faisal Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorAlabdullatif, Ghaith Saleh
dc.contributor.authorBasalem, Abdulaziz Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorAlmaziad, Aljoharah Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorMahjari, Ahood Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorAlmazyad, Ibrahim Abdullah
dc.identifier.citationAlAli Meshari Ali A... [et al.] (2022). Medical student’s attitudes and perceptions toward artificial intelligence applications Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 13(5). 181-187. DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.05.017]es_ES
dc.description.abstractTo evaluate medical students' perceptions in radiology and medical applications of artificial intelligence (AI). Students at 10 prestigious medical schools were issued an online survey that was created using Survey Monkey. It was divided into many parts with the goal of assessing the students' past understanding of AI in radiology and beyond as well as their attitudes about AI in medicine more generally. Anonymity of the respondents was protected. A total of 263 students—166 female and 94 male—with a median age of 23—replied to the survey. Concerning 52 percent of respondents were aware of the current debate about AI in radiology, while 68 percent said they were ignorant of the underlying technology. abnormalities in radiological scans, but they believed that AI would not be able to provide a definitive diagnosis (56 percent). In contrast to claims that human radiologists would be displaced, the majority (77 percent and 86 percent) believed that AI would revolutionize and enhance radiology (83 percent). Over two-thirds of respondents felt that medical education must include AI (71 percent). Male and tech-savvy respondents had higher levels of confidence in the advantages of AI and lower levels of fear of these technologies in sub-group analyses. In conclusion, Contrary to what has been mentioned in the media, medical students are aware of the possible applications and effects of AI on radiology and medicine and do not worry that it will replace human radiologists. The situations in which artificial intelligence has reportedly substituted human radiologists are known to medical students. Since it is their duty, the field of radiology must take the initiative in teaching students about these freshly developed tools.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Granadaes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectStudents es_ES
dc.titleMedical Student’s Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Artificial Intelligence Applicationses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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