Non-Invasive Study of the Pigments of a Painting on Copper with the Inscription “Boceto di Pablo Veronese” on the Back
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Blanc García, María Rosario; Manzano Moreno, Eloisa; López Montes, Ana; Domínguez Gasca, Nazaret; Vílchez Quero, José LuisEditorial
Painting on copper support Pigments; non-invasive techniques XRF XRD
2023-06-14Referencia bibliográfica
Blanc, R.; Manzano, E.; López-Montes, A.; Domínguez- Gasca, N.; Vílchez, J.L. Non-Invasive Study of the Pigments of a Painting on Copper with the Inscription “Boceto di Pablo Veronese” on the Back. Heritage 2023, 6, 4787–4801. []
Project FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento/A-HUM-164-UGR18; Research group FQM-338; Analytical Techniques Unit EQC2018-004952-PResumen
The palette used on a small painting on copper support, with the inscription “Boceto di
Pablo Veronese” on the back, was characterized. Non-invasive techniques such as X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and hand-held X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were proven to be highly effective for this. The
objectives of the proposed work were twofold. On the one hand, the objective was the study, in situ,
of the pigments of a painting on a copper support. On the other hand, it was to enrich the literature
related to the study of paintings on metal supports, since few related studies are available despite the
relatively large number of such 16th and 17th century paintings from Italy and Northern Europe. The
results of the analysis showed a copper support with a base layer of gypsum mixed with ochre earths.
Atop this layer is a sketch with lead white in the lighter areas and bone black in the darker shadow
areas, suggesting that the artist performed a preliminary study of the luminosity of the scene. Finally,
the upper or pictorial layer consists of a mix of pigments with some lead white to lower saturation
and increase lightness, particularly evident in the flesh tones. The resulting palette thus includes
lead white, vermilion, bone black, Naples yellow, and lazurite pigments. These results are compared
to Veronese’s other paintings, as well as to those of certain contemporary artists, and the use of the
resulting pigments in 16th and 17th century Italian painting techniques is discussed