Formation of project competence of future specialists from the field of physical therapy, physical education and sports in the higher education system
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Universidad de Granada
Methods Project competence Physical culture and sports Physical education
2022-06-01Referencia bibliográfica
Anatoliy Emetc... [et al.] (2022). Formation of project competence of future specialists from the field of physical therapy, physical education and sports in the higher education system Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 13(2). 260 –269 . DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.02.025]
The article aims to investigate the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of project
competence of future professionals in the field of physical therapy, physical education and sports in
the higher education system in a comparative context. The study experimentally tested the
effectiveness of the formation of project competence of future specialists in the field of physical
therapy, physical education and sports in the system of higher education. The experimental works
were carried out during 2019–2021 in three stages: ascertaining, forming and control. Each of the
identified stages involved solving the relevant tasks and identifying the necessary research methods.
Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation;
pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The ascertaining
experiment was attended by 342 future physical education teachers, sports coaches and physical
therapists who provide professional training in specialties 014.11 Secondary education (Physical
education), 017 Physical culture and sports and 227 Physical therapies, ergo therapy. Comparison of
the results of the control and experimental groups showed a positive trend in all indicators of the
formation of project competence: the highest increase is provided by reflexive-evaluation and
cognitive indicators, the lowest (but stable) increases by motivational and value indicators.