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dc.contributor.authorMedina Vadora, María Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorSeveri, Cecilia Maria
dc.contributor.authorLecot, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorRuiz López, María Dolores 
dc.contributor.authorGil Hernández, Ángel
dc.identifier.citationMedina-Vadora, M.M.; Severi, C.M.; Lecot, C.; Ruiz-Lopez M.D.; Gil, A. Study of Food Intake and Physical Activity Patterns in the Working Population of the Uruguayan State Electrical Company (UTE): Design, Protocol and Methodology. Nutrients 2021, 13, 3545.
dc.description.abstractNoncommunicable diseases are the main cause of death globally, and most are potentially preventable; they are long term diseases and generally evolve slowly. In Uruguay 64.9% of the population between 25 and 64 years of age are either overweight or obese. The available scientific data show that workplaces are good for developing food-intake interventions for a healthier life. The present study aims to report the design, protocol and methodology for the evaluation of the food intake and physical activity patterns of the Uruguayan State Electrical Company (UTE) workers, as it is distributed across the whole country, and has established associations with overweight and obesity in order to establish institutional strategies to improve the situation. This study uses a population and a cross-sectional, randomized, representative sample of UTE workers with a precision of 3% and a confidence level of 95%. The considered anthropometric variables are weight, height, waist circumference, percentage of fat mass and percentage of visceral fat. A questionnaire on frequency of consumption of different foods and two 24-h dietary recalls (24-h DR) will be performed to evaluate the food intake. Accelerometry will be used to evaluate physical activity, and the International physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) will be applied. Clinical data will be obtained from the UTE clinical charts. This is the first study of its kind that will be undertaken in Uruguay. It is registered under Identifier nº NCT04509908.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectFood intakees_ES
dc.subjectLifestyle habitses_ES
dc.subjectPhysical activityes_ES
dc.subjectFood consumptiones_ES
dc.subjectWorkers nutritional statees_ES
dc.subjectFood intake patternses_ES
dc.subjectNutrition surveyses_ES
dc.titleStudy of Food Intake and Physical Activity Patterns in the Working Population of the Uruguayan State Electrical Company (UTE): Design, Protocol and Methodologyes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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