Satisfaction with Self and External Regulation of Learning in Higher Education Students in Brazil
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Herrera Torres, Lucía; Souza Soares de Quadros, Mara Rachel; Sánchez Sánchez, Laura del Carmen; Ramiro Sánchez, TamaraEditorial
Self-regulation External regulation Study techniques Teaching-learning processes Educational infrastructure Type of institution Academic Year
2021Referencia bibliográfica
Herrera Torres, L.; Souza-Soares de Quadros, M.R.; Sánchez-Sánchez, L.C.; Ramiro-Sánchez, T. Satisfaction with Self and External Regulation of Learning in Higher Education Students in Brazil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5914. https://
Research Group Development, Education, Diversity, and Culture: Interdisciplinary Analysis (HUM-742); Federal University of Maranhão and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão (Foundation for Research Support and Scientific and Technological Development of Maranhão)Abstract
The satisfaction of university students with the variables that regulate their learning
provides very valuable information to improve the quality of teaching processes. The main objective
of this study was to evaluate the learning of Brazilian university students, exploring both selfregulation variables, such as study techniques; and more external regulation variables, namely,
satisfaction with the teaching–learning process and with the infrastructure, based on three variables:
gender, the institution of higher education and the academic year of the students. To achieve this,
560 students of the Pedagogy degree were evaluated with two questionnaires: a questionnaire of
satisfaction with the educational infrastructure and the teaching–learning process and a questionnaire
on study techniques. Statistically significant differences were obtained, especially depending on
the type of institution and the academic year. The students of private schools and earlier academic
years were the ones who obtained the most satisfaction with the study techniques and with the
infrastructure. Those from private centers also expressed more satisfaction with the teaching–learning
processes. These results provide greater knowledge about the processes of self-regulation and
external regulation of university learning and of their satisfaction with them, which can contribute to
improving educational policies in Brazil.