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dc.contributor.authorLuque Suárez, Mónica Francisca 
dc.contributor.authorOlmos Gómez, María Del Carmen 
dc.contributor.authorCastán-Garcia, María
dc.contributor.authorPortillo-Sánchez, Raquel
dc.identifier.citationLuque-Suárez, M.; Olmos-Gómez, M.d.C.; Castán-García, M.; Portillo-Sánchez, R. Promoting Emotional and Social Well-Being and a Sense of Belonging in Adolescents through Participation in Volunteering. Healthcare 2021, 9, 359. []es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research received external funding from Research Group (SEJ 131): Analysis of Social Life.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe data presented in this study are available on request from the first author, e-mail: (M.L.-S.).es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the differences within education-related degrees with respect to participation in volunteering. Volunteering motivation promotes and encourages emotional and social well-being and a sense of belonging in university students. This study was based on a total sample of 985 students undertaking Degrees in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Social Education who attended higher education institutions in Northern Africa (Spain) and Eastern Spain. Once the quality parameters of the instrument were determined, the reliability was confirmed, and data collection was initiated. In order to analyze the results, a multilevel study (ANOVA) was conducted by interacting the variables for degrees with three levels (PE = Primary Education; EC = Early Childhood Education; SE = Social Education) and the variable "volunteering is my motivation to feel better", with five levels (strongly disagree, disagree, unsure, agree, and strongly agree). From the data obtained, it was concluded that there were significant differences between the different degree paths, the assessment covering sociodemographic variables and areas of interest showing that volunteering benefits university students both socially and in their decision-making processes.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipResearch Group: Analysis of Social Life SEJ 131es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.subjectAdolescents es_ES
dc.subjectEmotional well-beinges_ES
dc.subjectEmotional healthes_ES
dc.subjectSense of belonginges_ES
dc.titlePromoting Emotional and Social Well-Being and a Sense of Belonging in Adolescents through Participation in Volunteeringes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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