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dc.contributor.authorFernández Pantoja, Mario Alberto 
dc.contributor.authorGutierrez Gutierrez, Guadalupe
dc.contributor.authorAlvarez Gonzalez, Jesús
dc.contributor.authorPascual Gil, Enrique
dc.contributor.authorBandinelli, Mauro
dc.contributor.authorGuidi, Rodolfo
dc.contributor.authorMartorelli, Valerio
dc.contributor.authorGonzález García, Salvador
dc.identifier.citationFernandez Pantoja, Mario; et. al. HIRF virtual testing on C-295 aircraft validated with FSV method. IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.56, no.4, pp. 854,863, 2014 []es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we show the application of numerical simulation for the virtual testing of a very complex system under high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF) conditions. Numerical results have been compared to measurements performed on a C-295 air- craft. The approach is based on the use of multiple tools for the preprocessing, computation, and postprocessing, all of them in- tegrated under the same framework. This study is a part of the HIRF SE project, and the final step for the validation of the tools involved there, to introduce the use of simulation in the whole air- craft certification process in an HIRF environment. The main goal of the project is to provide the aeronautic industry with a numerical modeling computing framework, which could be used to predict the electromagnetic performance, and to carry out parametrical studies during the design phase, when changes are simpler and less costly. It could also lead in the future to a considerable reduction on the certification/qualification testing phase on air vehicles, to cross validate the results obtained from measurement and simulation providing best confidence in them, and to attain a more exhaustive analysis to achieve a higher level in the air vehicle safetes_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the funding from the European Com- munity Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013, under Grant 205294 (HIRF SE project), from the Spanish National Projects TEC2010-20841-C04- 04, CSD2008-00068, from the Junta de Andalucia Project P09-TIC-5327, and from the Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL) projectes_ES
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Licensees_ES
dc.subjectElectromagnetic compatibility es_ES
dc.subjectFeature selective validationes_ES
dc.subjectFinite difference time domaines_ES
dc.subjectHigh-intensity radiated fieldses_ES
dc.subjectLow-level swept fieldses_ES
dc.subjectOversized cavity theoryes_ES
dc.subjectPerfect electric conductores_ES
dc.subjectRadio frequency es_ES
dc.subjectTime domain analysises_ES
dc.titleHIRF virtual testing on C-295 aircraft validated with FSV methodes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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