Virgin olive oil: Potential of different omics approaches to authenticate its geographical and botanical origin
Afficher la notice complèteAuteur
Bajoub, AadilEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Química AnalíticaMateria
Aceite de oliva Olivos Genética molecular vegetal Biología molecular vegetal Mediterráneo Marruecos Calidad Quimiometría Nutrición
Materia UDC
543.06 2301
2016Fecha lectura
2016-05-30Referencia bibliográfica
Bajoub, A. Virgin olive oil: Potential of different omics approaches to authenticate its geographical and botanical origin. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2016. []
Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Química; Beca predoctoral concedida por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, dentro del Programa de Becas MAEC-AECID del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación y las ayudas del Programa de Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación al Desarrollo del Plan Propio de Internacionalización y Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad de Granada. También gracias a la financiación con cargo a fondos del grupo FQM-297 “Control analítico, Ambiental, Bioquímico y Alimentario” del Plan Andaluz de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía, procedentes de diferentes contratos, proyectos y subvenciones de la Administración central y autonómica, plan propio de investigación de la UGR, así como de empresas interesadas en los resultados de la investigación. La realización de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido posible gracias también a la financiación con cargo a fondos del Centro de Desarrollo y Transferencia de Tecnología “Agropole Olivier / Escuela Nacional de Agricultura Meknès, Marruecos”.Résumé
Virgin olive oil is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean countries with origin that
dates back to ancient times. Over the years, this foodstuff has acquired an extraordinary
reputation as valuable nutritional and health-benefit product. Nowadays, scientific
evidences associate moderate daily intake of virgin olive oil with increased life expectancy
and a reduced risk of chronic and degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular,
atherosclerosis, cancer and diabetes. These protective effects have been attributed to the
particular chemical composition of this product, which is especially rich on
monounsaturated fatty acids and bioactive compounds, such as pigments, phenolic
compounds, phytosterols and tocopherols. Capitalizing on the accumulated results
regarding olive oil health-benefits properties, the use of health claims for this product is
officially authorized since 2006 by the United States Food and Drug Administration and,
since 2011, by the European Food Safety Authority. Consequently, virgin olive oil
consumption is currently spreading all over the world, even in countries where it was not
traditionally consumed, such as United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Japan and
China, and indeed, the olive oil market has become increasingly globalized over the last
The referred to internationalization of olive oil sector contributes to create market
opportunities outside the Mediterranean region, where olive oil consumption level is
relatively stable; it also entails important challenges related to strong competitiveness.
Differentiation based on high quality standards, geographical and/or varietal origin
claims is one of the most powerful competitive strategies that olive oil producers are
currently adopting to face these dares. Thus, over the last years, there has been an
increasing in the production of certified monovarietal and geographical origin-labeled
olive oils in numerous olive growing regions. However, such products, which often are
more expensive and show higher commercial value than the non-labeled ones, are targets
for adulteration. That is reason explaining why, at the moment, there is a great need for
accurate and promising analytical approaches able to restrain the authentication of the
geographical and botanical origin of virgin olive oil. Within this context, the research in this field is moving from classical methodologies to advanced analytical strategies in
which omics approaches, especially metabolomics (chromatography-mass spectrometry
based methodologies combined to chemometrics) plays a pivotal role.
Therefore, the main goal of the research conducted for the present Doctoral Thesis has
been to evaluate the potential of different omics approaches to predict and authenticate
the geographical and botanical origin of virgin olive oils, with special emphasis on oils
samples coming from several Moroccan olive growing regions and different Moroccan
and Mediterranean varieties cultivated in this country.