The cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying prospective memory development Cejudo García, Ana Belén Bajo Molina, María Teresa Universidad de Granada. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología Procesos de la memoria Desarrollo humano Neurociencias Memory processes Human development Neuroscience This work has been developed thanks to the doctoral research grant FPU13/03768 to the author between 2015 and 2018, and by grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad to Ma Teresa Bajo (PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P) Prospective memory (PM), or the act of remembering intentions, is essential in our daily lives. Imagine going to a medical specialist and forgetting to bring an X-ray or forgetting to pay taxes on time. Individuals can be very forgetful. Further, since there are individual differences in the ability to remember future intentions, people who wish to avoid embarrassing or dangerous situations should be aware of their own challenges. It is not uncommon for mothers or fathers to leave their babies in their car because they forgot to drop them off at day care before going to work. In addition, people with memory problems due to illnesses affecting brain functioning (e.g. Alzheimer’s) often have problems remembering both the past and actions they wish to perform in the future. Although an inability to remember past life events or learn new things is the most perceptible effect of advanced phases of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, the first observable effects often include forgetting to do such intentions as turning off the oven or taking the house keys before leaving. Thus, these types of memory lapses may help in the early detection of illness. In addition, at much younger ages, when the brain is still developing and children are still acquiring new cognitive abilities, difficulties in remembering intentions and using strategies that facilitate better memory performance might lead to prospective forgetting of certain daily life activities (e.g. bringing homework to school). Imagine a mother telling a six-year-old child leaving for school, “Your permission slip is inside your bag. Don’t forget to be bring it to your teacher, and don’t forget that this Friday, we are going on vacation, so you need to finish your homework on Thursday”. While the child is in class and focusing on various school activities, she must also keep both intentions in mind and complete at least one of them before leaving class. If she forgets, it could affect the teacher’s perception of her work and class performance. Similarly, if a child forgets to return a toy she borrowed from a friend or if she forgets a friend’s birthday, her social life may be affected. When performing an ongoing task (OT), children of different ages have been shown to differ in their ability to remember intentions when the cue to remember do the action is non-focal (i.e. not part of the OT), when the cue does not explicitly appear during the OT or when it is not salient. Imagine that a child must remember to put her allergy spray inside her schoolbag while she is setting her pencils on her bedroom desk (OT). If the allergy spray (the cue) is on the desk, it will be easier to remember the intention because the cue “allergy spray” is embedded in the activity the child is doing. However, if the allergy spray is in the kitchen, it will be harder for the child to remember to pack it. The present work explores the effects of different types of cues on PM performance during childhood. El recuerdo de llevar a cabo intenciones o memoria prospectiva (MP) es esencial en nuestra vida cotidiana para completar tareas como atender a una cita, recoger un paquete o apagar el horno antes de que la comida se queme. Fallos en este tipo de memoria pueden implicar incluso un riesgo para nuestra salud (olvidar, por ejemplo, tomar una medicación; (Brandimonte et al., 1996 ). Realizar con éxito una tarea de MP implica por un lado, recordar que tienes que realizar una tarea en el momento adecuado (tarea prospectiva) y por otro, recordar qué era lo que debías de realizar (tarea retrospectiva). Por ejemplo: para recordar que tienes que recoger a comprar pan camino de casa, tienes que recordar que debes hacer algo cuando vas camino de casa (tarea prospectiva) y que lo que tienes que hacer es comprar pan (tarea retrospectiva). Para evaluar la MP en el laboratorio se emplea un procedimiento que implica dos tareas: una tarea que el participante realiza de forma continuada en el tiempo (tarea continua) y dentro de esta aparece la clave prospectiva que le indicará al participante que debe realizar la segunda tarea (tarea prospectiva) o intención (Einstein & McDaniel, 2005). El uso de estos procedimientos ha permitido determinar que la MP se desarrolla durante la infancia hasta la adolescencia ( Mattli et al., 2011; Zimmermann & Meier, 2006; Zöllig et al., 2007). Aunque este desarrollo se ha relacionado con la ejecución de ciertas funciones cognitivas como la memoria de trabajo, la inhibición o la flexibilidad cognitiva, no se ha llegado a un acuerdo sobre que procesos están relacionados con su desarrollo (Ford et al., 2012; Mahy & Moses, 2011; Shum et al., 2008). Los objetivos principales de esta tesis son comprender el desarrollo de la MP explorando las diferencias entre tareas que implican distinta carga cognitiva. Particularmente, comparando aquellas tareas donde la clave prospectiva es focal versus aquellas en que la clave es no focal, y actividades en las que la clave es un evento versus tareas donde la clave es la finalización de la propia tarea continua (tareas basadas en la actividad). Además, exploramos estos efectos no solo en tareas de laboratorio sino empleando actividades que los niños realizan en el ámbito escolar. 2021-11-16T12:31:36Z 2021-11-16T12:31:36Z 2021 2019-03-22 info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Cejudo García, Ana Belén. The cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying prospective memory development. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2021. [] 9788411170963 eng info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Universidad de Granada