Myeloperoxidase Is an Early Biomarker of Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk in Prepubertal Obese Children Olza Meneses, Josune Aguilera García, Concepción María No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported. J.O. performed biomarker and statistical analyses and wrote the manuscript. C.M.A., L.A.M., and A.G. designed the experiment and critically revised the manuscript. M.G.-C., R.L., G.B., M.D.M.-J., M.V., R.C., and R.T., collected the children’s data and samples. A.G. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. OBJECTIVE-Obesity is associatedwith a state of chronic low-grade inflammation.Myeloperoxidase (MPO) plays an important role in the initiation and progression of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). The objectives of the current study were to evaluate plasma MPO levels in prepubertal obese children and to determine whether MPO could be an early biomarker of inflammation and CVD risk. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-In a prospective multicenter case-control study paired by age and sex of 446 Caucasian prepubertal children ages 6–12 years, 223 normal-weight and 223 obese children were recruited. Blood pressure, waist circumference, weight, and height were measured. In addition to MPO, glucose, insulin, metabolic lipid parameters, oxidized low-density lipoproteins, adiponectin, leptin, resistin, C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor a, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 were determined. RESULTS-We found that MPO was elevated in prepubertal obese children and that this enzyme was associated with such proinflammatory and cardiovascular risk biomarkers as CRP, MMP-9, and resistin. Insulin resistance calculated by the homeostatic assessment model was the best predictor of MPO. CONCLUSIONS-MPO is an early biomarker of inflammation associated with CVD risk in obese children at the prepubertal age. 2020-10-30T09:01:24Z 2020-10-30T09:01:24Z 2012-11 info:eu-repo/semantics/article Olza, J., Aguilera, C. M., Gil-Campos, M., Leis, R., Bueno, G., Martínez-Jiménez, M. D., ... & Gil, A. (2012). Myeloperoxidase is an early biomarker of inflammation and cardiovascular risk in prepubertal obese children. Diabetes care, 35(11), 2373-2376. [DOI:10.2337/dc12-0614] 10.2337/dc12-0614 eng info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Amer Diabetes Assoc