Zero-curvature subconformal structures and dispersionless integrability in dimension five
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Wiley Online Library
2024-11-12Referencia bibliográfica
Kruglikov, B. et. al. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 2024;110:e70026. []
Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. Grant Number: 2019/34/H/ST1/00636; National Science Centre. Grant Number: 2018/29/B/ST1/02583; Tromsø Research Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Grant Number: MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103Résumé
We extend the recent paradigm “Integrability via Geometry”
from dimensions 3 and 4 to higher dimensions,
relating dispersionless integrability of partial differential
equations to curvature constraints of the background
geometry. We observe that in higher dimensions on any
solution manifold, the symbol defines a vector distribution
equipped with a subconformal structure, and the
integrability imposes a certain compatibility between
them. In dimension 5, we express dispersionless integrability
via the vanishing of a certain curvature of
this subconformal structure. We also obtain a “master
equation” governing all second-order dispersionless
integrable equations in 5D, and count their functional
dimension. It turns out that the obtained background
geometry is parabolic of the type (A3, P13).Weprovide its
Cartan-theoretic description and compute the harmonic
curvature components via the Kostant theorem. Then,
we relate it to 3D projective and 4D conformal geometries
via twistor theory, discuss symmetry reductions
and nested Lax sequences, as well as give another interpretation
of dispersionless integrability in 5D through
Levi-degenerate CR structures in 7D.