New Insights into the Use of Spent Coffee Grounds By-products as Zn Bio-chelates for Lettuce Biofortification
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Fernández-Arteaga, Alejandro; Lara-Ramos, Leslie; Cervera Mata, Ana Gloria; Delgado Calvo-Flores, Gabriel; Fernández Bayo, Jesús DionisioEditorial
Springer Nature
Hydrochar Lettuce Activation Bio-chelates Organic by-products Micronutrients
2023-12-15Referencia bibliográfica
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2024, 19 (1) 679-683
This work was supported by projects PY20_00585 and RDPTC-2018 (AT17_6096_OTRI UGR) from Andalusian Ministry of Economic Transformation, Knowledge, Industry and UniversitiesAbstract
The purpose of this study is to evaluate modified spent coffee grounds (SCG), together with three SCG hydrochars as Zn bio-chelates. These by-products were intended to increase Zn in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) by a biofortification process. SCG and three SCG hydrochars (produced at 160, 180, or 200 °C) were activated with NaOH and functionalized with Zn sulfate. Lettuce was grown for 40 days in soils amended with the described substrates at the rate of 1.75 g kg−1 soil. Plant growth parameters and Zn, Fe, and Mn content in the plant were measured. No significant phytotoxic effect on lettuce growth was detected. In all cases, a significant increase in the Zn content in plant was observed with a maximum of 318.2% for the hydrochar at 180 °C with respect to the control. Both SCG and hydrochars promoted similar Zn levels in plant (0.30–0.35 mg Zn 100 g−1 fresh weight), although lower than those generated by the commercial chelate (0.45 mg Zn 100 g−1 fresh weight). In addition, other micronutrients such as Fe and Mn were also increased in the plant. Zn bio-chelates derived from SCG and SCG hydrochars have biofortified lettuces in Zn and also in Fe and Mn, without significantly limiting plant growth. The behavior of the different bio-products used is similar, and therefore, any of them could be used in Zn biofortification. This is a novel strategy in the reuse of SCG.