ECM-Regulator timp Is Required for Stem Cell Niche Organization and Cyst Production in the Drosophila Ovary
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Pearson, John R.; Zurita Martínez, Federico; Tomás Gallardo, Laura; Díaz Torres, Alfonsa; Díaz de la Loza, María del Carmen; Franze, Kristian; Martín Bermudo, María Dolores; González Reyes, AcaimoEditorial
Plos One
2016-01-25Referencia bibliográfica
Pearson JR, Zurita F, Tomás-Gallardo L, Díaz-Torres A, Díaz de la Loza MdC, Franze K, et al. (2016) ECM-Regulator timp Is Required for Stem Cell Niche Organization and Cyst Production in the Drosophila Ovary. PLoS Genet 12(1): e1005763. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005763
Spanish MINECO (Grants BFU2009-08013, BFU2012-35446 to AGR, BFU2010-16669 to MDMB and Consolider CSD-2007-00008); Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P09-CVI-5058); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); JAE-Doc contract from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Career Development Award from the UK Medical Research CouncilRésumé
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a pivotal component adult tissues and of many tissue-specific
stem cell niches. It provides structural support and regulates niche signaling during tissue
maintenance and regeneration. In many tissues, ECM remodeling depends on the
regulation of MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) activity by inhibitory TIMP (tissue inhibitors of
metalloproteinases) proteins. Here, we report that the only Drosophila timp gene is required
for maintaining the normal organization and function of the germline stem cell niche in adult
females. timp mutant ovaries show reduced levels of both Drosophila Collagen IV α chains.
In addition, tissue stiffness and the cellular organization of the ovarian niche are affected in
timp mutants. Finally, loss of timp impairs the ability of the germline stem cell niche to generate
new cysts. Our results demonstrating a crucial role for timp in tissue organization and
gamete production thus provide a link between the regulation of ECM metabolism and tissue