Single-Molecule Identification of the Isomers of a Lipidic Antibody Activator
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Mallada, Benjamin; Villalobos Romero, Federico; Donoso, Beatriz; Casares López, Raquel; Longhi, Giovanna; Mendieta-Moreno, Jesús I.; Jiménez Martín, Alejandro; Haidour, Ali; Seepersaud, Ravin; Rajagopal, Lakshmi; de la Torre, Bruno; Millán Delgado, Alba; Cuerva, Juan M.Editorial
ACS Publications
2024-06-27Referencia bibliográfica
Mallada, B. et. al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 6935−6942. []
National Institutes of Health (U.S.A., R01AI167421); FEDER/Junta de Andalucía−Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Spain, Grants B-FQM-130-UGR20 and P20_00028); Ministerio de Universidades (Spain, FPU18/05938); Czech Science Foundation (23-06781M) and the CzechNanoLab Research Infrastructure supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS CR, LM2023051); Universidad de Granada / CBUAAbstract
Molecular structural elucidation can be accomplished by different techniques,
such as nuclear magnetic resonance or X-ray diffraction. However, the former does not give
information about the three-dimensional atomic arrangement, and the latter needs
crystallizable solid samples. An alternative is direct, real-space visualization of the molecules
by cryogenic scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). This technique is usually limited to
thermally robust molecules because an annealing step is required for sample deposition. A
landmark development has been the coupling of STM with electrospray deposition (ESD),
which smooths the process and widens the scope of the visualization technique. In this work,
we present the on-surface characterization of air-, light-, and temperature-sensitive
rhamnopolyene with relevance in molecular biology. Supported by theoretical calculations,
we characterize two isomers of this flexible molecule, confirming the potential of the technique
to inspect labile, non-crystallizable compounds.