Pro-environmental behaviour in household water use. A gender perspective
Afficher la notice complèteAuteur
Granda, Lucía; Soriano Miras, Rosa María; Moya Fernández, Pablo José; González Gómez, Francisco JoséEditorial
Springer Nature
2024-02-10Referencia bibliográfica
Granda, L., Moya-Fernández, P.J., Soriano-Miras, R.M., & González-Gómez, F. (2024) . Pro-environmental behaviour in household water use. A gender perspective. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 10, 49. Doi: 10.1007/s40899-023-01027-6
Efciency in the use of water resources is one of the SDG 6 in all sectors. This research focuses on the efcient use of water
in households. Specifcally, we analyse diferences in people’s behaviour towards ten household water uses. Compared to
previous research, the main contribution of this study is the emphasis placed on the gender perspective. This research is
carried out for Andalusia, a region in southern Spain with high water stress. OLS and probit estimations were made with a
database of 2650 observations from 2018. No gender diferences are found in the number of habits applied to make efcient
use of water in the household. On the other hand, after studying ten household water uses in isolation, gender diferences are
found in certain pro-environmental habits. We cannot conclude the existence of a gender gap in environmental awareness of
water use. However, the results suggest that there are diferences in the adoption of pro-environmental habits in water use
due to the distribution in the household chores, especially in those which are traditionally female or male.