SOWISP—A retrospective high spatial and temporal resolution database of the installed wind and solar PV power in Spain
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Jiménez Garrote, Antonio; Sánchez-Hernández, Guadalupe; López Cuesta, Miguel; Pozo Vázquez, DavidEditorial
Solar PV and wind power dataset Publicly available Python toolkit Data article
2023-04-05Referencia bibliográfica
A. Jiménez-Garrote et al. SOWISP—A retrospective high spatial and temporal resolution database of the installed wind and solar PV power in Spain. Solar Energy 256 (2023) 44–54[]
Spanish Government; Junta de Andalucia PID2019-107455RB-C21/AEI/92 10.13039/501100011033; European Commission; UE-Junta de Andalucia PID2019-107455RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 TEP-220 PAIDI2020-DOC_01110Résumé
The proposal of new energy systems based on renewable energies requires thorough research in order to derive
technically reliable and economically sustainable systems. One of the key inputs of such research is constituted
by reliable databases of renewable resources. Despite the great effort of the scientific community in recent
years, most current databases are far from optimal. Although some databases are based on real data, they lack
adequate spatial resolution and/or temporal coverage. Other databases are obtained by estimating renewable
energy potential from meteorological reanalysis; however, these estimates are subject to high uncertainty. One
of the main problems when building these renewable resource databases is the lack of actual values of installed
capacity. In this study we present the SOlar and Wind Installed Spanish Power (SOWISP) database. SOWISP
provides the actual installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic solar energy in each Spanish town, with a
monthly resolution, and covering the period of 2015–2020. SOWISP has been developed and validated based
on a careful and thorough compilation of different public databases. It covers the need for a publicly available
database with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution suitable for the analysis of energy systems. Moreover,
SOWISP, along with other freely available datasets, supports many modern applications. In addition, a Python
package (available on GitHub) was developed for managing this database