The Boom in Nanomaterials for Built Heritage Conservation: Why Does Size Matter?
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Nanolime Nanomaterials Cultural heritage conservation Nanoscience Nanotechnology
2023-04-21Referencia bibliográfica
Otero, J.; Borsoi, G.; Monasterio-Guillot, L. The Boom in Nanomaterials for Built Heritage Conservation: Why Does Size Matter?. Materials 2023, 16, 3277. []
There is no doubt that nanotechnology and nanoscience open new doors to new applica-
tions and products that can potentially revolutionize the practice field and how we conserve built
heritage materials. However, we are living at the beginning of this era and the potential benefits
of nanotechnology to specific conservation practice needs are not always fully understood. This
opinion/review paper aims to present reflections and answer a question that we are often asked
when working directly with stone field conservators: why should we use a nanomaterial instead of a
conventional product? Why does size matter? To answer this question, we revise the basic concepts
of nanoscience with implications for the built heritage conservation field.