Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) o Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC): Constricción temporal, trabajo colectivo y libertad programática en la ETSAM
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Architectural projects Innovación docente Proyecto arquitectónico Trabajo Fin de Máster Proyecto fin de carrera Degree project Active methodologies Critical discipline
2023-12Referencia bibliográfica
García-Sánchez, José Francisco y Martín Blas, Sergio. «Capítulo 13. Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) o Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC): Constricción temporal, Trabajo Colectivo y Libertad Programática en la ETSAM». En: Lozano-Díez, Rafael Vicente; Herrero-del-Cura, Sofía y Verdú-Vázquez, Amparo (coordinadores). Innovaciones Educativas en el ámbito edificatorio. Madrid: Dykinson, 2022. pp. 183-203. ISBN: 978-84-1122-751-3.
The Master in Architecture at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), known as
Máster Habilitante (March) has been implemented at Escuela Técnica Superior de
Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) since the 2015-2016 academic year. As part of its
content, the Qualifying Master's Degree contemplates the preparation and presentation
of a Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM), which includes the declared continuity "of reason" of
the old Trabajo Fin de Carrera (PFC) in the new teaching organization, according to
expresses the current Curriculum (Plan 2010). The recent implementation of this new
mode of access to the professional qualification of architects graduated from the UPM,
as a consequence of the international homologation processes framed in the process
initiated by the Bologna Declaration (1999), has produced an immediate but not always
thoughtful comparative analysis with the previous system, that of the PFC.
The objective of this paper is to provide an adequate conceptual framework for the
comparison between Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) and Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) at
ETSAM, through the formulation of some of its pedagogical bases [1]. Among these, the
role of the temporary constraint [2] assumed by the new system will be highlighted, in
which the preparation of the TFM is associated with a period of a single year, as well as
the group work dynamics associated with the idea of "classroom" , "laboratory" or
Design Studio, which connect the new teaching methodology with well-known
international experiences, from the Italian Laboratori di Laurea to the Dutch MSc Design
Studios. The validity of the figures of the "teacher" and the "disciple", inspired by the
mythical stories about the Renaissance workshop, and more generally the studentteacher
relationship, must be critically reconsidered in the new situation, in which times
and processes are subject to pre-established guidelines and controls [3]. On the other
hand, and beyond the contrast with the PFC, the role that the definition of an
architectural program or content plays in the development of the new TFM, as well as
the possibility that its development is assimilated to a research process with original
contributions that go beyond the concept of "demonstration" of professional skills.