Application of information technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions under the martial law
Afficher la notice complèteAuteur
Ridkodubska, Hanna; Vyhovskyi, Leonid; Vyhovska, Tetyana; Yakubova, Liudmyla; Humenyuk, Oksana; Oliinyk, IrynaEditorial
Universidad de Granada
War Distance education Living conditions Technologies Ukraine
2022-09-01Referencia bibliográfica
Hanna Ridkodubska... [et al.] (2022). Application of information technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions under the martial law Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 13(3). 274--287. DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.03.026]
The aim is to study the features of the use of information technology for the education of students
(n=184) with different social and living conditions under martial law. Methods: questionnaire survey,
mathematical methods of statistics. Results. The choice of technical means and information technology
for education under martial law depends on the social and living conditions of students. The frequency
of using applications that allow teaching and learning has no statistically significant differences
between students who have different social and living conditions. Education with the use of
information technology under martial law allows students to continue their studies, to be confident at
least in education. At the same time, students’ anxiety still remains an influential factor in assessing the
use of technology. According to the results of one-factor analysis, the frequency of use of information
technology for education does not affect the attitude of students to the use of technology in education
under martial law. Prospects. Further research on the use of information technology for students with
strong signs of stress and its consequences, the direct consequences of war, and other factors.