Exploring The Impact of Social Media in Academic Performance of High-School Students in India
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Universidad de Granada
Students Social media Academic performance Higher education India
2022-06-01Referencia bibliográfica
A.Jagannathan, D.Vezhaventhan (2022). Exploring The Impact Of Social Media In Academic Performance Of High-School Students In India Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 13(3). 33 –39 . DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.03.004]
The Social Media or the Social Networking sites are rapidly increasing among the Students especially
in higher education. The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has made the Social media penetrate
into the lives of every student. The social media has become the platform of official communication
and made the students completely rely on mobile phone for all academic activities. Thus, the ultimate
responsibility of using or misusing the Social Media is at the hands of the students. So, the study is
attempts to examine the impact of Social Media in the academic performances of the students in
higher education. This is an quantitative study based on a survey among high school students of
private schools in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The study used inferential statistics alongside the
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for testing the hypothesis and its significant relation with the
The study revealed that the usage of Social media has a dual impact, negatively (addiction) and
positively impacts the communication among peers, teachers and knowledge sharing behavior which
leads to good academic performance. The chalk and talk method has almost vanished and made both
teachers and students to adapt to alternative learning methods. The study suggests adopting existing
pedagogy or creation of a new style of learning integrating the Information Communication
Technology (ICT) with traditional teaching methods.