Lecture method recoil: Effect of formatıve assessment and simulation activities on the learning outcomes of social studies students
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Universidad de Granada
Lecture activities Formative assessment Simulation activities Social studies students Learning outcome
2022-06-01Referencia bibliográfica
Sunday Obro, Enayemo, Oghenetejiri Gift (2022). Lecture method recoil: Effect of formatıve assessment and simulation activities on the learning outcomes of social studies students Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 13(2). 174 –182 . DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.02.016]
Traditionally, teachers use the face-to-face method, but with the improvement of high technology,
such as internet and video technology, there is the necessity to embrace innovative and studentcentred
instructional methods. Furthermore, in every formal learning, achieving enduring quality in
students’ learning outcome depends on well-conceived approaches to assessment that have both
simulation and formative functions. For active learning to occur, the teaching style needs to be
innovative. The study explored formative assessment and simulation activities effect on Social Studies
students’ learning outcome. Quasi-experimental as a qualitative research method was employed. The
Social Studies Learning Outcome Test (SSLOT) with 25 test items was the tool/instrument for data
gathering with Upper Basic 8 students. The study results established that formative assessment had a
significant statistical effect on learning outcome of students; simulation activities had a significant
statistical effect on learning outcome of students. The study conclusion was that formative
assessment/evaluation and simulation activities would advance students’ learning outcomes if used
for social studies instructions/classrooms; if embraced, formative assessment and simulation
activities can be successfully utilized within the regular class period to boost the students learning.