Operadores de orden superior y predicados de gusto: Una aproximación expresivista
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Bordonaba Plou, DavidEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Filosofía IMateria
Gusto Sabor Semántica (Filosofía) Significación (Filosofía)
Materia UDC
101 7201
2017Fecha lectura
2017-03-20Referencia bibliográfica
Bordonaba Plou, D. Operadores de orden superior y predicados de gusto: Una aproximación expresivista. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2017. [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/48131]
Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: FilosofíaAbstract
This dissertation discusses the meaning of taste statements. Specifically, it offers an
expressivist explanation of the meaning of this kind of statements that highlights
their dynamic features. The rationale for an expressivist treatment are the following:
1. Some expressions that allow speakers to manifest their taste preferences can
be treated as second-order concepts. For example, `funny' or `curious' are eligible
as second-order concepts. From a syntactic standpoint, they are expressions
that produce a grammatically correct sentence not only admitting as their arguments
nouns, for example, `Space Balls is fun', but also transitive or intransitive
verbal locutions functioning as subject or direct complement, for example, `It
is fun to see Peter apologizing for his absence'. From a logical standpoint, these
expressions admit as their arguments not only objects, but other concepts or whole propositions.
2. Taste statements usually play an evaluative role. They are not used for describing how the world is. A speaker who says that something is, for example,
`tasty', is not ascribing certain property to an object. Rather, she is expressing
her pro attitude towards the object. Specifically, it will be contended that taste
statements express both pro or con attitudes and states of rule-acceptance.
Our intention is to put forward a theory which focuses on certain phenomena related
with disagreements about taste. Such an explanation will be independent of the issue
of which is the best theory -if indexical contextualism, non-indexical contextualism
or relativism- for assigning truth-conditions to taste claims.