Safe and effective use of medicinesun Paediatric Intensive Care
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Arenas López, SaraEditorial
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Medicina Clínica y Salud PúblicaMateria
Medicamentos Pediatría Cuidados intensivos pediátricos Sedantes Analgésicos Niños Terapéutica Farmacología
Materia UDC
614 616-053.2 (043.2) 3201
2017Fecha lectura
2017-03-03Referencia bibliográfica
Arenas López, S. Safe and effective use of medicinesun Paediatric Intensive Care. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2017. []
Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Medicina Clínica y Salud PúblicaAbstract
Analgesia and sedation in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is an important therapeutic area; however despite this, most of the drugs routinely used are unlicensed and there are still many knowledge gaps which may not lead to the safest and most effective therapy in children.
Many medicines in PICU, including analgesia and sedation, are administered as IV infusions for a rapid and sustained effect and especially when the child is not absorbing medicines orally or when this route is contraindicated. However, the traditional practice of prescribing and administering medicines as continuous IV infusions, as in the case of morphine, could lead to inaccurate drug delivery to children therefore unpredictable response, especially when manipulations of small volumes are required to make the infusions.
Furthermore, on other occasions when the enteral route is established, liquid medicines require an enteral administration device and the accuracy of these devices has not been properly identified.
By having a pharmacist as part of the multidisciplinary team most of these aspects are identified and explored.