An analytical model for the inversion charge distribution in square GAA MOSFETs with rounded corners
Afficher la notice complèteAuteur
Pérez Villada, ManuelDirector
Roldán Aranda, Juan BautistaDepartamento
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de ComputadoresMateria
Gate all around (GAA) Inversion charge distribution function (ICDF) MOSFET Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de los Computadores. Máster Métodos y Técnicas Avanzadas en Física (MTAF),Résumé
In this work we introduce an analytical model for square Gate
All Around (GAA)
MOSFETs with rounded corners including quantum effects. With
the model developed
it is possible to provide an analytical description of the 2D
inversion charge distribution
function (ICDF) in devices of different sizes and for all the op
erational regimes. The
accuracy of the model is verified by comparing with data obtai
ned by means of a 2D
numerical simulator that self-consistently solves the Poi
sson and Schr ̈odinger equations.
The expressions presented here are useful to achieve a good d
escription of the physics of
these transistors; in particular, of the quantization effect
s on the inversion charge. The
analytical ICDF obtained is used to calculate important par
ameters from the device
compact modeling viewpoint, such as the inversion charge ce
ntroid and the gate-to-
channel capacitance, which are modeled for different device g
eometries and biases.