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      C. B. is funded by the National Scientific and Technical Re-search Council (CONICET). AD and AJC are supported by a PhD contract of the program FPU 2015 (Spanish Ministry of Econ-omy and Competitiveness) with references FPU15/05406 and FPU15/02864, respectively. GJO is funded by the Ramon y Cajal contract RYC-2013-13019 (Spain). DRG is funded by the Atracción de Talento Investigador programme of the Comunidad de Madrid No. 2018-T1/TIC-10431, and acknowledges support from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) research grants Nos. PTDC/FIS-OUT/29048/2017 and PTDC/FIS-PAR/31938/2017. Thiswork is supported by the Spanish projects FIS2017-84440-C2-1-P, FIS2014-57387-C3-1-P (MINECO/FEDER, EU) and i-LINK1215 (CSIC), the project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 Grant FunFiCO-777740, the project SEJI/2017/042 (Generalitat Valenciana), the Consolider Program CPANPHY-1205388, and the Severo Ochoa grant SEV-2014-0398 (Spain). [1]
      Cabildo Insular de Tenerife (TFassistance) [1]
      CALIFA is the first legacy survey carried out at Calar Alto. The CALIFA collaboration would like to thank the IAA-CSIC and MPIA-MPG as major partners of the observatory, and CAHA itself, for the unique access to telescope time and support in manpower and infrastructures. We also thank the CAHA staff for the dedication to this project. Support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, through projects AYA2010-15081 (PI R.G.D.), and Junta de Andalucía FQ1580 (PI R.G.D.), AYA2010-22111-C03-03, and AYA2010-10904E (S.F.S.). We also thank the Viabilidad, Diseño, Acceso y Mejora funding program, ICTS-2009-10, for funding the data acquisition of this project. R.C.F. thanks the hospitality of the IAA and the support of CAPES and CNPq. R.G.D. acknowledges the support of CNPq (Brazil) through Programa Ciencia sem Fronteiras (401452/2012-3). A.G. acknowledges support from EU FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n.267251 (AstroFIt) and from the EU Marie Curie Integration Grant “SteMaGE” Nr. PCIG12-GA-2012-326466. C.J.W. acknowledges support through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 303912. E.P. acknowledges support from the Guillermo Haro program at INAOE. Support for L.G. is provided by the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC120009, awarded to The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, MAS. L.G. acknowledges support by CONICYT through FONDECYT grant 3140566. J.I.P. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish MINECO under grant AYA2010-21887- C04-01 and from Junta de Andalucía Excellence Project PEX2011-FQM7058. I.M., J.M. and A.d.O. acknowledge support from the project AYA2013-42227-P. RAM is funded by the Spanish program of International Campus of Excellence Moncloa (CEI). J.M.A. acknowledges support from the European Research Council Starting Grant (SEDmorph; P.I. V. Wild) [1]
      CALMIP supercomputing center MCNI/AEI/PID2019-107061GB-C64 [1]
      CAM, Spain [1]
      CAMS-CAS 11933003 [1]
      Canada Council (Canada) [1]
      Canada Foundation for Innovation [55]
      CANARIE [1]
      CANARIE (Canada) [1]
      CANARIE, Canada [9]
      Canarie, Canada [2]
      CANTATA COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action, EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 CA15117 [1]
      Canton of Bern (Switzerland) [2]
      Canton of Bern, Switzerland [15]
      Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) [1]
      Canton of Geneva, Switzerland [15]
      Canton of Geneve (Switzerland) [1]
      Canton of Zurich (Switzerland) [2]
      Cantons of Bern [4]