Dynamics of health and welfare: texts and contexts
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Historia de la medicina Fuentes históricas Género y salud
2007Referencia bibliográfica
Abreu, Laurinda; Bourdelais, Patrice; Ortiz Gómez, Teresa; Palacios, Guillermo (coordinadores). Dynamics of Health and Welfare: texts and contexts. Évora, Ediçoes Colibrí-Universidad de Évora, 2007, pp. 104-118. [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/14945]
Comision EuropeaRésumé
The book that is now being presented is a result from work
developed in the scope of a project within the Alfa Programme
(Exchange Programme between Universities of the European Union and
Latin America), integrated into EuropeAid – Cooperation Office Latin
America Directorate, and financed by the European Commission,
between 2005 and 2007. Entitled Graph – Graduate Programme in the
Social Dynamics of Health, the members of the project were the École
des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Patrice Bourdelais), the Colegio
de México (Guillermo Palacios), the universities of Évora (Laurinda
Abreu), Granada (Teresa Ortiz-Gómes), Nacional de Luján (José Luis
Moreno), La Habana (Mariana Ravanet Ramírez), Linköping (Jan
Sundin), Mannheim (Martin Dinges), Peruana Cayetano Heredia
(Marcos Cueto), the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de S. Paulo
(Denise Bernuzzi de Sant’Anna) and the Asociación Médica Argentina
(Vicente Enrique Mazzafero Martín).
Designed as a textbook especially destined for post-graduate
students, the main purpose of this book is to make access easier to a
diversified set of documents considered of great significance to illustrate
relevant content in terms of health and welfare dynamics. The book is
organized into three parts (Health and Welfare; Perspectives on Gender
and Health; Migration, Urbanization and Health), that start with a
general introduction to the subject, followed by a small presentation, and
in some cases, problematization, of the documents. Each chapter ends
with a bibliographic list of the most recent and/or most important titles,
according to the chapter authors’ perspective, for the subject in analysis.
Issues in Europe and Latin America are the focus of the book.
The linguistic diversity of the project partners was assumed as an
added-value that we wanted to preserve, not only taking into account the
book’s potential public-target – students, researchers and professors of
diverse countries, with expertise in several languages – but also as a way to
escape from the imposition of a singlely language for science, without
obviously denying the importance of the English as an international