@misc{10481/77564, year = {2009}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/77564}, abstract = {This paper is a history of iodine. To trace the trajectory of this element, goiter is used as a guideline for the articulation of a historical account, as a representation of thyroid disorders and of the spaces of knowledge and practices related to iodine. Iodine’s journey from goiter treatment and prophylaxis in the late interwar period took on a new course after WWII by including the element’s radioactive isotopes. I intend to show how the introduction of radioiodine contributed to stabilize the epistemic role of iodine, in both its non-radioactive and radioactive form, in thyroid gland studies and in the treatment of its disorders.}, organization = {Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (HUM2006-04939/FISO)}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Yodo radioactivo}, keywords = {Endocrinología}, keywords = {España}, keywords = {Junta de Energía Nuclear}, keywords = {Gregorio Marañón}, keywords = {Bocio}, keywords = {Relaciones diplomáticas hispanoestadounidenses}, keywords = {Radioiodine}, keywords = {Endocrinology}, keywords = {Spain}, keywords = {Goitre}, keywords = {US-Spanish diplomatic relations}, title = {From prophylaxis to atomic cocktail: Circulation of radioiodine}, author = {Santesmases, María Jesús}, }