@misc{10481/76332, year = {2022}, month = {3}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/76332}, abstract = {Covid-19 generated an important impact on the mental health of university students. In this context, a double need arises: to analyse the effects of this impact and to work on emotional education with this educational sector. This study is part of a broader educational innovation project focused on working on the emotional education of university students. In this case, our purpose was to analyse the experiences of university students (N=6) during the pandemic through Digital Storytellings. The results showed revealing aspects regarding the influence that the pandemic had on students: the shortcomings of virtuality in teaching, the development of coping strategies, the lessons learned from the pandemic, etc. Finally, it was set out a number of implications for higher education, like the promotion of emotional education plans, the optimisation of online educational resources, and increased teacher training in digital issues and emotional support.}, abstract = {La Covid-19 generó un importante impacto en la salud mental de los estudiantes universitarios. En este contexto, surge una doble necesidad: analizar los efectos de este impacto y trabajar la educación emocional con este sector educativo. Este estudio forma parte de un proyecto más amplio de innovación educativa centrado en trabajar la educación emocional de los estudiantes universitarios. En este caso, el principal objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las experiencias de los estudiantes universitarios (N=6) durante la pandemia a través de Digital Storytellings. Los resultados muestran aspectos reveladores sobre la influencia que tuvo la pandemia en los estudiantes: las carencias de la virtualidad en la enseñanza, el desarrollo de estrategias para afrontar, las lecciones aprendidas de la pandemia, etc. Por último, se exponen una serie de implicaciones para la educación superior, como la promoción de planes de educación emocional, la optimización de los recursos educativos en línea y el aumento de la formación del profesorado en temas digitales y de apoyo emocional.}, organization = {Proyecto I+D+i in the framework of the Operational Programme FEDER “New Teaching Staff in Andalusian Universities: Academic, quantified and digitised identities” (Reference B_SEJ-534-UGR20)}, organization = {Ministry of Universities through the University Teacher Training Grants Programme (FPU19/00942)}, publisher = {Universidad Complutense de Madrid}, keywords = {Digital storytelling}, keywords = {Higher education}, keywords = {COVID-19}, keywords = {Emotional adjustment}, keywords = {University}, keywords = {Educación superior}, keywords = {Impacto emocional}, keywords = {Universidades}, title = {“And though our dreams may be shattered to pieces, I will resist”: digital storytelling to analyse emotional impact of the pandemic on university students}, doi = {10.5209/rced.76316}, author = {Cruz Gonzalez, Cristina and Mula Falcón, Javier and Domingo Segovia, Jesús and Lucena Rodríguez, Carmen}, }