@misc{10481/51077, year = {2008}, url = {http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/letral/article/download/3562/3550}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/51077}, abstract = {En el presente artículo la autora recorre la producción literaria escrita en lengua aljamiada en el siglo XVI revelando el modo en que ésta invierte los parámetros descriptivos para la construcción literaria de España, la identidad española, la visión morisca de la Reconquista como pérdida, otra visión radicalmente diferente de la muerte o del Paraíso que tuvo que exilarse o esconderse durante siglos para ser preservada.}, abstract = {In this article, López-Baralt analizes the literary production written in aljamiado in 17th century, revealing the way in which these texts upset the values and parameters commonly represented in the literary description of Spain in Christian texts. The author points out how different themes, such as Spanish identity, Christian Reconquista, denunciation of Christian violence, death and the vision of Paradise, reveal this inversion held by a literature that had to exile or to hide for ages in order to survive.}, organization = {Proyecto LETRAL}, publisher = {Revista LETRAL}, keywords = {Aljamiado}, keywords = {Literatura del siglo XVI}, keywords = {Islam}, keywords = {Al Andalus}, keywords = {Human Rights}, keywords = {16th century literature}, title = {La España invertida de la literatura alamiado-morisca}, author = {López-Baralt, Luce}, }