@misc{10481/33390, year = {2014}, month = {7}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/33390}, abstract = {Revisión de la Estadística de la Contribución de Utilidades (1901-1919) en lo referente a las sociedades de seguros. Estudio de la historia administrativa y fiscal de un sector de fuerte intervención pública. Listado de sociedades de seguros contribuyentes a lo largo del periodo.}, abstract = {the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th, specially its impact on the insurance industry. Crucial changes took place those years whose influence lasted for decades; this included a rigorous model of public intervention. This made big administrative changes for insurance companies that grow and diversify strongly and extended widely in Spain. A process that is not well know because of the lacking of an exhaustive registration including all the companies during this crucial moment in the economic and business history of Spain. To fill up this gap we offer the following pages and specially the table three and the appendix; two documents whose definitive version will soon appear. To do this we ask, for the elaboration of the last classification, the cooperation of the colleagues that may be interested in the task.}, organization = {Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría e Historia económica. Grupo de estudios históricos sobre la empresa.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada. Grupo de Estudios Históricos sobre la empresa}, keywords = {Industria del seguro - España - Historia}, keywords = {Historia de la empresa - España}, keywords = {Historia de la administración - España}, keywords = {Estadísticas fiscales}, keywords = {Estadísticas financieras}, keywords = {España}, keywords = {Insurance industry}, keywords = {Business history}, keywords = {History of the administration}, keywords = {Administrative history}, keywords = {Fiscal statistics}, keywords = {Financial statistics}, keywords = {Spain}, title = {La Contribución de Utilidades y la Estadística Empresarial en España: la reforma administrativa de la industria del seguro y el crecimiento del sector a principios del siglo XX (Versión preliminar)}, author = {Caruana de las Cagigas, Leonardo and González Ruiz, Luis and Núñez Romero-Balmas, Gregorio}, }