@misc{10481/22731, year = {2012}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22731}, abstract = {Scholars have long struggled to fully explained the eigthteenth-century poetic war between Lady Mary Wortley and Alexander Pope. These two writers and intellectuals became magnets for gossip, praise, and opprobium when the years of their friendship shifted into a sensational battle of verses.}, abstract = {Desde hace tiempo los eruditos se han esforzado por explicar la guerra poética entre Lady Mary Wortley Montagu y Alexander Pope. Estos dos escritores atraían cotilleo,elogio y oprobio cuando los años de su amistad se convirtieron en una batalla de versos.}, organization = {Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, GEMMA. 4ª ed.}, organization = {This project would not have been possible without the funding provided by a 2010-2012 Erasmus Mundus Master's scholarship.}, keywords = {Lady Mary Wortley Montagu}, keywords = {Alexander Pope}, keywords = {Letters}, keywords = {Poetry}, keywords = {New Historicism}, keywords = {Women writers}, keywords = {Correspondence}, keywords = {Poems}, keywords = {Verses}, title = {From private letters to pamphlet wars: the literary relations of Alexander Pope and Lady Mary Mortley Montagu}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.22731}, author = {Rubman, Jillian}, }