@misc{10481/21585, year = {2008}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/21585}, abstract = {The management of information in the business world constitutes a single consolidated area within undergraduate and graduate study programs in Librarianship and Information Science. This article describes information studies for the business sector within Spain, including the university programs known as Diplomatura in Librarianship and Documentation (equivalent to a three-year first cycle in Library and Information Science), and Licenciatura in Documentation (a two-year second cycle). It also presents the contradictions that are found between the professional implications of the information society paradigm, on the one hand, and the academic strategies of the discipline in Spain, which are largely trapped in a traditional framework.}, keywords = {Information studies}, keywords = {Business sector}, keywords = {Spain}, keywords = {España}, title = {Information studies for the business sector in Spanish universities}, author = {Muñoz-Cañavate, Antonio and Hípola Ruiz, Pedro}, }