TY - GEN AU - Castro Claros, Juan Diego AU - Yin, X AU - Salas, C AU - Griesshaber, E AU - Hörl, S AU - Checa, A. G. AU - Schmahl, W. W. PY - 2024 UR - https://hdl.handle.net/10481/93439 AB - Aplacophoran molluscs are shell-less and have a worm-like body which is covered by biomineralized sclerites. We investigated sclerite crystallography and the sclerite mosaic of the Solenogastres species Dorymenia sarsii, Anamenia gorgonophila, and... LA - eng PB - Nature TI - Biomineral crystallographic preferred orientation in Solenogastres molluscs (Aplacophora) is controlled by organic templating DO - 10.1038/s41598-024-57754-z ER -