TY - THES A3 - Lozano, Cristóbal A3 - Palma Reyes, Alfonso AU - López-Beltrán, Priscila A4 - Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana A4 - Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Experimental PY - 2014 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10481/33456 AB - In the recent history of linguistics, there have been several theories that have attempted to give a full account of the functional architecture of the mind. One of the most important was Fodor's in the 1980s. In line with his theory of the modularity... LA - eng KW - Syntax-discourse interface KW - Interfaz sintaxis-discurso KW - Psycholinguistics KW - Psicolingüística KW - Second language (L2) acquisition KW - Adquisición de segundas lenguas (L2) KW - Passive sentences KW - Oraciones pasivas KW - Interface hypothesis KW - Hipótesis de la interfaz KW - Syntax processing KW - Procesamiento de sintaxis KW - Reaction time KW - Tiempo de reacción KW - Self-paced reading task KW - Acceptability judgement task TI - Information structure violations in passive constructions at the syntax-discourse interface by advanced L2 English learners M3 - master thesis DO - 10.30827/Digibug.33456 ER -