Similarity Fuzzy Semantic Networks and Inference. An Application to Analysis of Radical Discourse in Twitter Castro Peña, Juan Luis Francisco Aparicio, Manuel Fuzzy Semantic Networks Similarity Fuzzy Reasoning Social Network Analysis Knowledge Engineering Semantic Network In this paper we introduce a new Knowledge Representation model, the Similarity Fuzzy Semantic Networks. It is an extension of Fuzzy Semantic Networks that incorporates reasoning by similarity through a Similarity Inference Rule. Moreover, we show as it can be effectively applied to a trending and complex problem like the analysis of radical discourse in Twitter. 2024-12-16T17:05:49Z 2024-12-16T17:05:49Z 2023-01 book part Castro, J.L., Francisco, M. (2023). Similarity Fuzzy Semantic Networks and Inference. An Application to Analysis of Radical Discourse in Twitter. In: Rutkowski, L., Scherer, R., Korytkowski, M., Pedrycz, W., Tadeusiewicz, R., Zurada, J.M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13588. Springer, Cham. 10.1007/978-3-031-23492-7_15 eng open access Springer Nature