The nature of training in flavor preference learning determines the underlying associative structure González Gómez, Ana Sánchez, Jesús Brugada Sauras, Isabel de Flavor preference Devaluation Sensory-Specific Satiety Pairing a palatable flavor (US) with an initially neutral flavor cue (CS) results in an acquired conditioned preference for the latter. Two main associations have been proposed to explain the acquisition of flavor preferences: Flavor-Flavor and Flavor-Nutrient learning. Although the hedonic reaction triggered by US consumption has also been suggested as a possible additional component underlying acquired flavor preference, this issue has received little attention. Here we explored whether the amount of training to the CS-US compound can favor the formation of a Flavor-Hedonic reaction association using rats as subjects and sucrose as the US. We expected that the more exposure to the CS-US compound, the stronger the S-R type association. Since S-R associations are not sensitive to devaluation procedures, we used a Sensory-Specific Satiety procedure to devalue the US after conditioning and then measured preferences for the CS. On Experiment 1 with a short restrictive training (classic procedure), preference for the CS was decreased after devaluation of the US compared to the control condition. On Experiment 2, with short unrestrictive training, preference for the CS was again weakened. Experiment 3 with a long unrestrictive training, rats expressed preference for the CS regardless of the devaluation procedure. These results suggest that, as with an instrumental paradigm, extensive training in flavor preference learning undermines the US devaluation effect. 2024-09-04T10:59:31Z 2024-09-04T10:59:31Z 2024-06-26 journal article González, A. & Sánchez, J. & Brugada, I. 220 (2024) 105074. [] 10.1016/j.beproc.2024.105074 eng open access Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional Elsevier