Analysis of gender-based violence in the context of the sustainable development goals Guaita Fernández, Pilar Martín Martín, José María Ribeiro Navarrete, Samuel Puertas, Rosa Gender-based violence Quality of life Socio-economic policies Through the 2030 Agenda, international bodies have set out 17 highly interconnected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to set course for the equitable and just development of society. SDG5 seeks to empower women and girls as a way of guaranteeing their fundamental rights, which are sometimes violated by the physical superiority of men who exercise their power by undermining women's freedoms. This study aims to analyse the connection between SDG1, SDG3, SDG8 and SDG11, and the protection of women, identifying the lines of action needed to favour access to justice for victims of gender-based violence. The study was carried out on a panel sample of the 17 Spanish Autonomous Regions over a decade (2012–2021), using the generalised method of moments, specifically the xtabond2 estimator. Development was carried out in two stages: (1) the measures implemented by the Spanish authorities and the quality of life of the population were analysed, (2) six representative dimensions of quality of life associated with different targets of the SDGs were studied. Both scenarios were designed with the common objective of determining their impact on reporting to the police. The results show the need to reinforce protection orders, as well as to put in place the necessary measures to improve women's quality of life in order to attain a violence-free society. Specifically, education, economic stability, mental and physical health, and work must be enhanced. In short, socio-economic policies should be oriented towards the creation of a climate of security that favours access to justice for battered women. 2024-05-24T10:59:46Z 2024-05-24T10:59:46Z 2024-03-06 journal article Guaita-Fernández, P., Martín Martín, J. M., Ribeiro Navarrete, S., & Puertas, R. (2024). Analysis of gender-based violence in the context of the sustainable development goals. Sustainable Development, 1–13. 10.1002/sd.2940 eng open access Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional John Wiley & Sons