Post-hydrogen Peroxide Effect in Peroxidogenic Oral Streptococci García-Mendoza, A. Liébana Ureña, José Castillo Pérez, Ana María De La Higuera, A. Gutiérrez Fernández, José Hydrogen peroxide Oral streptococci Post-hydrogen peroxide effec This study was partially supported by the Andalusian Regional Government through the research project 'Microbiology, Immunology and Epidemiology o f Oral Diseases" The effects of inhibitory concentrations of hydrogen peroxide on the growth of 11 strains of four peroxidogenic species of oral streptococci (Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis. Streptococcus sanguis and Streptococcus sobrinus) were studied. The effect of H2O2 was measured as the post-hydrogen peroxide effect (PHPE), defined as the difference in the time necessary for the bacterial population in batch cult ure to increase by one decimal logarithmic unit of the number of colony forming units per millilitre, between cultures exposed to a concentration equal to the corresponding minimum inhibitory concentration of H2O2, and non-exposed cultures. No PHPE was shown by S. oralis NCTC 11427; other strains tested gave times ranging from 20 min (S. sanguis JENA 2697) to 9 h 15 min (S. mitis OGS 232). The PHPE appears to be strain- and species-dependent. 2024-04-09T07:52:42Z 2024-04-09T07:52:42Z 1993-07 journal article García-Mendoza, A., Liébana, J., Castillo, A., De La Higuera, A., & Gutiérrez, J. (1993). Post-hydrogen Peroxide Effect in Peroxidogenic Oral Streptococci. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 6(1), 17–22. 10.3109/08910609309141557 eng open access Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional Taylor & Francis