Modeling the opinion dynamics of superstars in the film industry Giráldez Cru, Jesús Suárez-Vázquez, Ana Zarco Fernández, María del Carmen Cordón García, Óscar Film industry Movie superstars ranking Opinion dynamics Bounded confidence Repulsion mechanisms This research has been developed within the R&D project CONFIA (PID2021-122916NB-I00), funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/5011000 11033/ and FEDER, EU. J. Giráldez-Cru is also supported through the Juan de la Cierva program (IJC2019-040489-I). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA. One of the most challenging questions in the film industry is to rank superstars, which ultimately affects some performance indicators like movie success. In this work, we address this question by means of opinion dynamics models, where the evolution of opinions in a population is analyzed. We apply a model of this kind to study the evolution of opinions about a set of well-known movie superstars in a real-world population. Also, we use real-world data from a specialized cinema website to model mass communication processes (representing film releases and their related news and marketing campaigns), and to measure the performance of our model. Our results show that the proposed model is able to accurately represent this complex system, where the opinion dynamics of superstars are mostly driven by emotional mechanisms, and reveal that film releases and their corresponding marketing campaigns only have a short term effect on those opinions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that applies opinion dynamics models to the study of opinions about superstars in the film industry. 2024-04-08T07:14:55Z 2024-04-08T07:14:55Z 2024-09-15 journal article J. Giráldez-Cru et al. Modeling the opinion dynamics of superstars in the film industry. Expert Systems With Applications 250 (2024) 123750. 10.1016/j.eswa.2024.123750 eng open access Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional Elsevier