Semi-inclusive two-nucleon emission in (anti) neutrino charged current scattering within the relativistic mean field framework Martínez Consentino, Víctor Leopoldo Cantizani, Araceli M. Amaro Soriano, José Enrique The work was supported by Grant No. PID2020-114767GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and by Grant No. FQM-225 funded by Junta de Andalucia. This paper delves into the distribution of semi-inclusive events involving the emission of two nucleons in (anti) neutrino charged-current scattering. The analysis is conducted within the framework of relativistic mean-field theory applied to nuclear matter. To quantify the likelihood of such semi-inclusive events occurring, we employ a relativistic model of meson-exchange currents that aligns with the 2p2h inclusive cross section. The outcomes are presented in terms of onefold and twofold integrated semi-inclusive cross sections. To highlight disparities among the various emission channels, including proton-proton, neutron-proton, and neutron-neutron, we compare them against a purely phase-space isotropic distribution within the center of mass of the two nucleons. These comparisons reveal significant differences in the event distributions, shedding light on the distinctive characteristics of each channel. 2024-02-20T10:24:29Z 2024-02-20T10:24:29Z 2024-01-08 journal article V. L. Martinez-Consentino, A. M. Cantizani, and J. E. Amaro. Semi-inclusive two-nucleon emission in (anti) neutrino charged current scattering within the relativistic mean field framework. Phys. Rev. C 109, 015502. 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.015502 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License American Physical Society