Autonomous work and skill learning strategies applying problem-based learning: Experience of innovation in subjects related to disability Fernández Jiménez, Carolina Fernández Cabezas, María Polo Sánchez, María Tamara Díaz Batanero, Carmen The present article seeks to discover the autonomous work strategies used by students studying different degrees: Social Education, Early Childhood Education and Pedagogy, applying the methodology of problem-based learning and determining student profiles according to their learning strategies. We also sought to explore the relationship between the strategies used and the level of achievement in the skills evaluated through self-assessment and teacher assessment. The Autonomous Work Strategies Questionnaire was applied to 239 students of the Faculty of Education Sciences of UGR. The results showed unequal use of learning strategies, with levels of use varying according to the degree studied. We also verified the existence of a profile of students who had made greater use of the autonomous learning strategies, which was associated with better results. The results are discussed and it is suggested that it would be advisable to continue with this methodology in other courses and degrees. 2024-02-12T18:49:24Z 2024-02-12T18:49:24Z 2019 journal article eng open access Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional