Medieval and postmedieval ceramics, experimental reproduction and digital modelling. Projects CERAMED & CERAMOD Busto Zapico, Miguel Fernández Navarro, Esteban Peregrina Sánchez, María José Sánchez Castilo, Carmen García Porras, Alberto This works presents an update of inno vation projects: Ceramoteca medieval: Ma terialidad y Virtualidad. Un nuevo instrumento docente y de divulgación CERAMED (García Porras et al. 2022; García Porras et al. 2021) and CERAMOD: Ceramoteca Moderna. Un instrumento de enseñanza y divulgación (Busto Zapico 2023; Busto Zapico et al. 2022), undertaken by the University of Granada jointly with Escuela de Arte José Val del Omar (Granada, Spain). These projects have led to the creation of a phy sical exhibition space (display cases) and a virtual one (online) for medieval and postmedieval ceramics, experimental re productions, and 3D models. All of this is accompanied by archaeological and histo rical information for research, dissemi nation, and innovation through the ma teriality of the archaeological record and its visual reproduction. The main target is the creation of a reference collection of medieval and postmedieval ceramics from archaeological excavations undertaken by researchers from the Departamento de Historia Medieval y Ciencias y Técnicas Hi storiográficas, University of Granada. The multi-step processing of these materials has involved the participation of a wide range of specialists. 2024-02-01T10:47:25Z 2024-02-01T10:47:25Z 2023 book part Busto Zapico, M., Fernández Navarro, E., Peregrina Sánchez, M. J., Sánchez Castillo, C., & García Porras, A. (2023). Medieval and postmedieval ceramics, experimental reproduction and digital modelling. Projects CERAMED & CERAMOD. En Atti LIV Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica 2021. Ceramica e constesti: stratificazioni sociali e differenze etniche. Atti LV Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica 2022. Lo studio della ceramica nel 2022: Metodologie e case studies (pp. 180-188). Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio. 10.5281/zenodo.10604351 eng embargoed access Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio