Sexual dimorphism of the maxillary postcanine dentition: A geometric morphometric analysis López Lázaro, Sandra Alemán Aguilera, María Inmaculada Viciano, Joan Irurita Olivares, Javier Botella López, Miguel Cecilio Sex estimation Premolar Molar The aim of this work was to study the sexual dimorphism of the occlusal surface of the maxillary postcanine dentition using geometric morphometric techniques. This study evaluated 139 individuals as part of five osteological collections from municipal cemeteries in the province of Granada (Spain). The landmarks and semilandmarks were analysed by principal components analysis, canonical variate analysis and discriminant analysis. Only the fourth maxillary premolar showed significant sexual dimorphism; however, cross-validation values for shape variables were 64.44% for males and 63.60% for females and 60.17% for males and 60.99% for females when both shape and size variables were considered. The third maxillary premolar and first and second maxillary molars did not show significant sexual dimorphism. The results show that maxillary postcanine dentition cannot assist in sex estimation, either only shape or shape and size. 2024-01-25T07:54:32Z 2024-01-25T07:54:32Z 2020 journal article 10.1127/homo/2020/1170 eng embargoed access