Connected system for monitoring electrical power transformers using thermal imaging Segovia Román, Fermín Ramírez Pérez De Inestrosa, Javier Salas González, Diego Álvarez Illán, Ignacio Martínez Murcia, Francisco Jesús Rodríguez Rivero, Jacob Gorriz Sáez, Juan Manuel Connected system Mser segmentation Power transformers Thermal imaging analysis The stable supply of electricity is essential for the industrial activity and economic development as well as for human welfare. For this reason, electrical system devices are equipped with monitoring systems that facilitate their management and ensure an uninterrupted operation. This is the case of electrical power transformers, which usually have monitoring systems that allow early detection of anomalies in order to prevent potential malfunctions. These monitoring systems typically make use of sensors that are in physical contact with the transformer devices and can therefore be affected by transformer problems. In this work we demonstrate a monitoring system for electrical power transformers based on temperature measurements obtained by means of thermal cameras. Properly positioned, the cameras provide thermal data of the transformer, the incoming and outgoing lines and their surroundings. Subsequently, by appropriate image processing, it is possible to obtain temperature series to monitor the transformer operation. In addition, the system stores and processes thermal data in external equipment (placed in locations other than the transformers) and is equipped with a communications module that allows secure data transmission independent of the power grid. This aspect, along with the fact that there is no need to have physical contact with the transformer, make this approach safer and more reliable than standard approaches based on sensors. The proposed system has been evaluated in 14 stations belonging to the Spanish power grid, obtaining accurate and reliable temperature time series 2023-10-26T07:38:42Z 2023-10-26T07:38:42Z 2023-08-31 journal article Segovia, F., Ramírez, J., Salas-Gonzalez, D., Illán, I. A., Martinez-Murcia, F. J., Rodriguez-Rivero, J., ... & Górriz, J. M. (2023). Connected system for monitoring electrical power transformers using thermal imaging. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, (Preprint), 1-16.[DOI 10.3233/ICA-230712] 10.3233/ICA-230712 eng open access Atribución 4.0 Internacional IOP Press