Differences of Disabling Symptoms between Previously Hospitalized or Non-Hospitalized CurrentlyWorking Long-COVID Survivors One Year after Infection: A Descriptive Study López López, Laura Calvache Mateo, Andrés Ortiz Rubio, Araceli Granados Santiago, María Heredia Ciuró, Alejandro Martín-Núñez, Javier Valenza, Marie Carmen COVID-19 Long-COVID syndrome SARS-CoV-2 Disabling symptoms Persistent symptoms This study aimed to describe the presence of disabling symptoms in currently working Long-COVID survivors by comparing the hospitalized and non-hospitalized one year after infection. Patients with Long-COVID syndrome (LCS) that have been infected by COVID-19 a year ago and were actually working were included. Participants that had been hospitalized due to COVID-19 were included in the LCS hospitalized group, and participants that had not been hospitalized were included in the LCS non-hospitalized group. The eligible patients were prompted to complete the latest self-report version of the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Screening Tool (C19-YRS). A total of 465 subjects were included in the study. Participants in the LCS hospitalized group were significantly older, had a significantly higher BMI, and had a significantly higher prevalence of women compared to the LCS non-hospitalized group. Additionally, participants in the LCS hospitalized group had obtained significantly worse results in symptom severity, functional disability, and global health perceived subscales of C19-YRS compared to the participants included in the LCS non-hospitalized group. We concluded that disabling symptoms are presented in patients with LCS at working age one year after infection and are higher in LCS hospitalized patients compared to LCS non-hospitalized patients. 2023-10-16T09:27:55Z 2023-10-16T09:27:55Z 2023-08-16 journal article López-López, L.; Calvache-Mateo, A.; Ortiz-Rubio, A.; Granados-Santiago, M.; Heredia-Ciuró, A.; Martín-Núñez, J.; Valenza, M.C. Differences of Disabling Symptoms between Previously Hospitalized or Non-Hospitalized Currently Working Long-COVID Survivors One Year after Infection: A Descriptive Study. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2306. [https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11162306] https://hdl.handle.net/10481/85020 10.3390/healthcare11162306 eng http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ open access Atribución 4.0 Internacional MDPI