Matrix for the quality assessment of university service-learning projects Santos Pastor, M. Luisa Garoz Puerta, Ignacio Arribas-Cubero, Higinio, F. Frutos de Miguel, Jonatan Martínez-Muñoz, L. Fernando Aguado Gómez, Raquel Calle Molina, María Teresa López-Arana, Elena Indicators Innovación docente Assessment The proliferation of innovative experiences in university education has been confirmed in different forums, as well as the evidence of their impact in research. However, the available tools are limited when trying to address the quality assessment of University Service-Learning (USL) projects. We present a tool for the evaluation of your SL projects. The goal of the Matrix is to specify the essential and secondary indicators needed to develop good practices in USL: IM_USL. A protocol is established to carry out its assessment. Dimensions and phases indicators of a project are specied, as well as the agents or people involved in it. This tool tries to guide the development of USL projects and to specify different points to improve. The application of the IM_USL will allow you to explore, exhaustively, each of the dimensions and indicators that make up a USL project, regarding both the AGENTS involved and the PHASES that make up a programme. In order to gather information on the reality of the projects, the phases and agents involved in a USL project will be reviewed in particular, determining the level of achievement of the indicators that compose it and of the dimensions that specify the particularities of each indicator. Finally, a series of questions are proposed to guide the process of analysis and reflection on the quality of the evaluated project. As a result, we will be able to obtain an X-ray of the quality of the project and the possible aspects for improvement. 2023-06-06T06:37:57Z 2023-06-06T06:37:57Z 2023-02-25 other eng open access Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional