Maximisation of bending moment in a beam depending on the shape of the trapecial loads Gómez Martínez, Fernando Maximisation Bending moment Beam Load distribution Trapecial load Snow Application for obtaining the critical distribution of snow load on top of a 2D beam causing the maximum positive bending moment, considering that the load has trapecial or triangular shape Aplicación para obtener la distribución crítica de una carga de nieve sobre una viga plana para que cause el máximo momento positivo, considerando que la carga puede ser trapecial o triangular 2023-01-19T07:36:00Z 2023-01-19T07:36:00Z 2023 info:eu-repo/semantics/other eng info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional