Method in Galen Durling, Richard 1 have discussed the four methods of ancient philosophy namely demonstration, division, resolution, and composition. But first, 1 glance at logic, which «discovers the pnnciples of medical treatment*. Method in pathology discovers &e afTected parts of the bodp and nosology, athe syrnptoms of diseases and their causes.. In therapeutics, method ~discovers drugs appropnate to speciñc diseases*. The leader in al1 things pertaining to method is Hippocrates. 2022-12-23T07:51:43Z 2022-12-23T07:51:43Z 1995 journal article Durling, Richard. «Method in Galen». Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, 1995, Vol. 15, p. 41-46, 0211-9536 eng open access Atribución 4.0 Internacional Universidad de Granada