Escudos y blasones en el automóvil Fuentes-Martín, José Miguel Escudos Shields Dibujo Comunicación visual Diseño Automóvil Blasones Visual communication design Design Car Crests Las marcas de automóviles han utilizado y utilizan escudos y blasones como distintivo de sus productos. Estos varían en la forma según su origen, y su representación evoluciona partiendo de los escudos de armas de los países o regiones y la influencia del estilo de moda en el que fueron dibujados y diseñados.The cars brands have used and used shields and blazons as a distinctive of their products. These vary in form according to their origin, and its representation evolves based of coats of arms of countries or regions and the influence of fashion style in which they were drawn and designed The cars brands have used and used shields and blazons as a distinctive of their products. These vary in form according to their origin, and its representation evolves based of coats of arms of countries or regions and the influence of fashion style in which they were drawn and designed. 2011-02-01T08:01:19Z 2011-02-01T08:01:19Z 2011-02-01T08:01:19Z info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart spa info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License